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Top Ten Facebook Tips and Tricks

Hi Friends today i telling you best useful Facebook Tips and Tricks. As you know that Facebook is very popular social networking site, so today I'm sharing some useful tips and tricks with you.. 
As you know that we use Facebook for chatting, making new friends, making a community like a page, a group to linked all friends together to share there thoughts with in a page or group. So many people's are addicted to Facebook but many of them don't use Facebook Tricks because they don't know. But I am going to share this knowledge with you, if you are also Facebook addicted like me then these FB tips and tricks are may be very useful for you. 

Facebook Tips and Tricks 
1) Blank Status Trick
You can't post blank status on Facebook, at least one letter, comma, or a symbol is compulsory to make a post on FB. But here is Tricks by which you can post blank status on FB. 
For this trick type @[0:0: ] in Facebook post field and submit, in place of zero you can use any numbers like @[7:7: ] etc

2) Stay online for Selected friends
Now a days this trick is very common, but many users don't know this trick, this trick is for those friends who don't know.. Now let's you are online but don't show to others you can turn of chat, but you want to turn off chat for selected friends you can it. For this trick you login to your FB then go to Advanced Setting, there is three options choose 2nd of them but here you describe for which friends you want to make your chat turn on. Write there name here and finally save it. If you want to chat turn on for all go to options and click on turn on chat. 

3) Fake Wall Post Tricks
Hi Friends I like this trick very much, if you also want that Celebrities like your wall post and make comments, yes you hear right celebrities like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg or like Salman Khan, Akshay Kumar etc. You can do this by creating fake post, so i like this trick. 
There is a website from which you can easily make your fake posts. To make fake post go to The Wall Machine, here login with your Facebook id and start to make your fake posts. 

4) Write Facebook Status Upside -Down 
To make you FB Wall impressive or you want to make your normal status impressive. If yes, you can do it by visiting FlipText site, go to FlipText, there is a text box type your wrods here and then click on Flip text button now you will see that all of the words are flipped (upside-down). Now copy this flipped text and paste on Facebook where you want to show upside-down text like on Profile, Wall etc. 

5) Make Your Profile Photo Un-clickable 
Facebook is very popular social networking site there are many people's of different minds, some are hackers, bad, and good etc. They keep an eye on your post, images chats etc, I want to share a trick with you by which you can protect your pictures with these people's. 
If you have uploaded your profile picture but don't want to that anyone can't see it with zooming by clicking follow below easy steps :

Step 1) Login to your Facebook account and goto you timeline.

Step 2) Then click on Photos >> Albums >> Profile Picture and select it. 

Step 3) After selecting change their privacy  public to only me, by doing this no on can see your pictures clear. 

6) Get Notification On Someone Unfriend You
To use this trick you will start notification by using Unfriend alert crome extention, download it and activate it, after activating Unfriend Alert, receive alerts when someone Unfriend you. 

7) Deactivate ads in Computer 
If you use Facebook on computer then you faced with ads showing on your timeline, due to having ads in a page it takes more time to load, so it is necessary to deactivate FB ads. 

Step 1) To deactivate FB ads login to your Facebook account 
Step 2)Then goto ads manager 
Step 3) Then goto account setting, there is option to re-enter your password so enter your password. 
Step 4) Now you will see Deactivate ad account link on bottom now click on it. 
Now you are free from ads, if you use Google Chrome then you can use Ads Blocker. 

8) Change Facebook Theme Color
The basic color of Facebook is blue we can't change it, but you can do this by following below steps.. 
Step 1▶In your chrome browser install "Change My Facebook Color". 
Step 2▶Then goto chrome setting >> Always Show Bookmark Toolbar click on it. 
Step 3▶Click on Change My Facebook Color Icon. 
Step 4▶Here you set background and foreground colors, add Arrow icon to your chrome toolbar. 
Step 5▶Now open your Facebook and press that button you have added. 

Now enjoy Facebook New color theme. 

9) Stop Auto Play Facebook Video 
Many Facebookers faced problem with there auto star or playing of Facebook videos,which is consumed more data and make Facebook slow to load. So my friends I giving you a tip so that you can stop auto play videos on Facebook. Follow below steps. 
Step 1▶Login to your Facebook account and goto setting. 
Step 2▶click on Videos and click off Auto play video. 

For Android User 
Setting >> App Setting >> Video Auto Play >> Off .

10) Save Posts To See Later 
Facebook gives option you to save your feeds, I think it very nice thing, because sometimes we are busy so unable to read a post so there is option to save it and later we can use it. Many times we are unable to see videos, story etc so save it and later we can see it. 
To using this tip click on downward arrow at top of the post, a popup will appear and choose save post, now this post is saved. 

So dear friends these are some useful and interesting tips and tricks for Facebook, now you can use it and share it with your friends. 
I hope you enjoyed this article so give your feedback by comments if you want more Tips and Tricks you can messages me or live chat with us. Thanks ! 


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